Black Walnut Hulls

Common Name: Black Walnut Hulls
Scientific Name: Juglans nigra
Taste and/or Flavor: Black walnut hulls boast a robust, slightly bitter taste, characteristic of their potent phytochemical composition.
Origin: Indigenous to North America, black walnut trees flourish in temperate climates, gracing landscapes with their majestic presence and offering a bounty of medicinal hulls.
Parts Used: The hulls, or outer shells, of the black walnut tree are esteemed for their therapeutic properties and are traditionally harvested for medicinal purposes.

Traditional Benefits:

  • Parasitic Cleanser
  • Antifungal Agent
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects
  • Skin Health


Everyday Health Benefits:

Black walnut hulls are valued for their ability to cleanse the body of intestinal parasites, promoting gastrointestinal health and overall well-being. Their anti-fungal properties may offer relief from fungal infections, making them a natural choice for individuals seeking botanical support for fungal-related ailments. Emerging research suggests that black walnut hulls may possess anti-inflammatory effects, providing relief from mild inflammation and associated symptoms. When applied topically, black walnut hull extracts may help cleanse and protect the skin, supporting overall skin health and promoting a clear complexion.